# insights.json schema Each line in insights.json is a separate insight. Each insight has the following form: { 'UID': string, 'name': string, 'year': string, 'year-as-number': int, 'year-source': string, 'attributed-to': [ { 'attributed-name': string, 'attributed-source': string, 'institution': { 'institution-name': string, 'institution-sector': string|null, 'institution-type': string|null }, 'institution-source': string, 'published-as': string, 'nationality-modern': string|null, 'nationality-original': string|null, 'nationality-source': string|null } ] 'notes': string } Sources are given in BibTeX format for all source fields (year-source, attributed-source, institution-source, published-as, nationality-source). All fields are present for all insights, though some fields may be null (as noted).